Indonesian SMA UAN
Admission to AY2010-11 undergraduate programmes for students with Indonesia SMA UAN qualification
Application Procedures
Please read the following instructions carefully before you fill in the application form at Step 6.
Step 1: This application form is only for applicants with Indonesian SMA Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) qualification. Only one electronic application form should be submitted as duplicate applications will not be processed.
Step 2: Upon successful submission of the online application form, take note of the application number assigned to you and items to be completed at the tracking page. You may go back to view the same page at Check Status link. An acknowledgment of your application will be forwarded to the email address(es) you have provided in the online application form.
Step 3: Pay the application fee. The application fee is USD30 or S$30 for international applicants. Applicants who pay by credit card enjoy a discounted rate of S$20.
The application fee for Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents is S$10.
Payment may be made by one of the following methods:
- Internet Payment (VISA/MasterCard).
- Bank draft made payable to 'Nanyang Technological University' with name and application number written on the back of the bank draft.
- DBS/POSB Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in Singapore only.
- Cash payment at NTU Cashier.
Please read payment instructions at ‘Application Fee’ link at tracking page or Check Status link. The application fee is non-refundable and is payable whether your application is ultimately successful or not. We do not accept payment by postal order (except Singapore Post postal order), electronic bank transfer or Western Union money transfer.
Step 4: Prepare photocopies or scanned copies of the following supporting documents. The photocopies of academic results must be certified by your school teachers/principal or any gazetted officers.
- Passport particulars page. Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents must provide Singapore Identity Card. International applicants without passport may submit birth certificate or residential certificate.
- EBTANAS/SMA National & School examination results (if available). Submit Bahasa copy. Translation not required.
- School Reports (Rapor SMA). Submit Bahasa copy. Translation not required.
- Kelas 1/Grade 10 (Semester 1, 2)
- Kelas 2/Grade 11 (Semester 1, 2)
- Kelas 3/Grade 12 (Semester 1, 2), if available
- SMP National & School Examination results slip and certificate. Submit Bahasa copy. Translation not required.
- University academic transcripts (if applicable)
- TOEFL, SAT1 or IELTS (if applicable, do not provide predicated grades)
Only applicable for students who have chosen Art, Design & Media:
It is compulsory to submit five (5) submission not more than 1 week after the closing date of application for admission.
These assignments are to be completed in a specific material and size requirement. The specific assignments will be available on the NTU School of Art, Design & Media website.
All portfolio submissions must arrive in physical form on CD-ROM, DVD or in original or duplicated work. All work must be hand delivered, or sent by courier or by standard mail. No work will be accepted if sent by email attachment.
Step 5: Submit supporting documents. Please use one of the following methods to submit your documents but not both:
- Upload online. Login to tracking page at Check Status link and go to ‘Checklist’ at ‘Supporting Documents’ link. Click ‘Upload’ at the relevant items to upload your file. As only one file is allowed for uploading for each item, please ensure that you have scanned all pages of your document in a single file in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF file format before you submit. Each upload should not exceed 5 MB.
- Send by post. Print a copy of Checklist at ‘Supporting Documents’ link at tracking page as the cover page of your supporting documents. Arrange your documents in the order as per checklist and post it to the following address not more than 1 week after the closing date: 15 December 2009. Please do not send original documents.
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
Nanyang Technological University
Student Services Centre, Level 2
42 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639815
Tel: (65) 67905806/7
Step 6: Application is now open. Apply Now!
Please read the Guide to filling in the Application Form before you start your application.
(Guide for International Students, Guide for Singapore Citizens/Permanent Residents)
Step 7: Check the progress and update your application here.
You are able to do the following at the application status link:
- Check your documents submission status, application fee payment status.
- Update choices of your programmes, your contact information.
- Submit scholarship online application form.
- Check application outcome.
Here is an opportunity for outstanding students of Indonesian nationality to apply for the SembCorp Undergraduate Scholarship. |
1 comment:
KISAH NYATA..............
Ass.Saya BPK. FATMA WATI Dari Kota Bandung Ingin Berbagi Cerita
dulunya saya pengusaha sukses harta banyak dan kedudukan tinggi tapi semenjak
saya ditipu oleh teman hampir semua aset saya habis,
saya sempat putus asa hampir bunuh diri,tapi saya buka
internet dan menemukan nomor Ki Dimas,saya beranikan diri untuk menghubungi beliau,saya dikasi solusi,
awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya,tapi saya coba ikut ritual dari Ki Dimas alhamdulillah sekarang saya dapat modal dan mulai merintis kembali usaha saya,
sekarang saya bisa bayar hutang2 saya di bank Mandiri dan BNI,terimah kasih Ki,mau seperti saya silahkan hub Ki
Dimas Taat Pribadi di nmr 081340887779 Kiyai Dimas Taat Peribadi,ini nyata demi Allah kalau saya bohong,indahnya berbagi,assalamu alaikum. VIDIO PESUGIHAN DANA GAIP KY DIMAS KANJENG
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