Saturday, May 2, 2009

Beasiswa Nanyang Tecnological University Singapore

Beasiswa S1 NTU Singapura
Telah dibuka pendaftaran penerimaan mahasiswa baru tingkat strata 1 (s1) di Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapura bagi alumni SLTA tahun 2007 atau akan lulus SLTA tahun 2008 nanti. Pendaftaran dibuka sejak Oktober sampai 15 Desember 2007.
Pilihlah NTU untuk dapatkan pengalaman mahasiswa sarjana strata 1 (s1) anda.
Nanyang Technological University (NTU) di Singapura adalah salah satu dari 20 universitas teknologi terunggul di dunia dan pendorong besar bagi kemajuan dan penelitian dan pengembangan Singapura. NTU memiliki:
- Kolese teknik nomor 4 di dunia dalam hal publikasi teknik
- Sekolah bisnis No 1 di Singapura dan No 2 di Asia
- Sekolah jurnalisme dan media terkemuka di Asia
- Sekolah kesenian profesional pertama di Singapura
- Kolese sains yang menawarkan jurusan ilmu Pasti Fisika, Matematika dan Biologi dengan gelar B.Sc. (Hons), hanya satu-satunya di Singapura
Pendaftaran Untuk Program Sarjana strata 1 (S1)
Pendaftaran untuk program S1 tahun ajaran 2008/2009 akan dibuka dari Oktober sampai 15 Desember 2007 bagi warga negara Indonesia yang telah menyelesaikan SMA Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) atau akan menyelesaikan pada tahun 2008.
Para pendaftar yang memiliki rekor akademis dan aktivitas ekstra-kurikuler yang luar biasa juga dapat mendaftar untuk beasiswa yang disediakan bagi siswa asal Indonesia. Beasiswa tersebut antara lain:
• Beasiswa ASEAN
Beasiswa ini diberikan untuk mahasiswa NTU yang berasal dari negara-negara ASEAN.
• Beasiswa Nanyang
Beasiswa ini ditujukan untuk mahasiswa asal Indonesia yang memiliki prestasi akademik atau ekstra kurikuler yang luar biasa.
• Sembcorp Undergraduate Scholarship
Beasiswa ini ditujukan bagi mahasiswa Indonesia S1 masa studi 4 tahun selama belajar di NTU.

Beasiswa ASEAN Scholarships 2009 dibuka kali ini untuk siswa dari Indonesia dan bersekolah di Singapura.
Berikut lampiran pengumuman resminya :
The ASEAN Scholarships aim to provide opportunities to the young people of ASEAN to develop their potential and equip them with skills that will enable them to confidently step into the new millennium. The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education ‘Advanced’ (GCE ‘A’) Level (or equivalent) certificate.
The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar. Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the Secondary Three level. Candidates who are not short-listed for the scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.
Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the scholarship:
* Nationals of Indonesia
* Between 14+ to 16+ years old (as of January 2009)
* Sat for 2008 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) and have done consistently well in school
Important Dates:
Application Period: 7 June to 15 July 2008
Selection Test : Mid August
Selection Interview : Late September
Award of Scholarship : Mid October
Arrival of Scholar in Singapore : Late October
Candidates short-listed for the selection test/interview will be notified a week before the selection test/interview dates. We regret that only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Application forms during the application period:
There are 2 ways which you can apply for the ASEAN Scholarships. Please choose only one method to submit your application form.
I. Softcopy Application Form by Email
1. Download a copy of the ASEAN Scholarships 2009 application form (96kb .xls) in MS Excel format. (Note: Please click “Enable Macros” upon opening the document.)
2. Complete the form on your computer at your own time and save your completed form in the following Excel format Name(Country).xls
3. Email to
4. You should indicate your email subject / title as Name (Country)
5. You do not need to submit softcopies of your supporting documents such as result slips, birth certificate / passport / identity card or testimonials via email. You will be required to submit these documents via post if you are shortlisted for the Selection Test.
6. Please do not send us a print-out of the form.
II. Hardcopy Application Form by Post
1. Download a copy of the ASEAN Scholarships 2009 application form (89kb .pdf).
2. You may also obtain a hardcopy of the application form at the following addresses:
* Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
Graha Surya Internusa
Level 19
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav X-0
Jakarta 12950 Indonesia
* Consultate of the Republic of Singapore
4th Floor
Surya Dumai Group Building
Jalan Sudirman No. 395
Pekanbaru 28116
Riau, Indonesia
3. Applications should be supported by certified copies of the following documents:
1. 2008 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) results
2. Birth Certificate/ Identity Card / Passport
3. Testimonials or records of co-curricular activities
4. Send your completed form and copies of supporting documents to the Singapore Ministry of Education at the following address:
ASEAN Scholarships Application (Indonesia)
School Placement and Scholarships Branch
Scholarships Section
Ministry of Education
1 North Buona Vista Drive
Singapore 138675
Test and Interview City
Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Pontianak
Note: Surabaya and Pontianak may be used as Test Centres if there are sufficient candidates. Medan, Surabaya and Pontianak may be used as Interview Centres if there are sufficient candidates.
Terms and Conditions
1. Allowance of S$2,200 (Secondary) / S$2,400 (Pre-University) per annum with hotel accommodation
2. Settling-in allowance of S$400 (once only)
3. Economy class air passage to Singapore and back to home country upon completion of course
4. Waiver of school fees (excluding miscellaneous fees)
5. Waiver of GCE ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level examination fees (once only, if applicable)
6. Subsidised medical benefits and accident insurance cover
7. Bridging courses (if applicable, in Singapore before start of course)
8. There is no bond attached to the scholarship

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