Sunday, March 23, 2008

SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta

A Brief History of SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta

SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta commenced as a school under name of SMA Negeri VIII/ABC on 1st Augustus 1958 in compliance with the letter of order of Minister of Culture and Education numbered 26/SK/B.111. The school was originally located in Slamet Rijadi Park.

In January 1959, it was moved to a new site next to SMP Negeri III Jakarta (State Junior High School III) on Jalan Manggarai Utara IV/6 Jatinegara. On 30th March 1971 SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta was permanently established on Jalan Taman Bukitduri Tebet where it was offially opened by Governor Ali Sadikin.

The following is a chronological outline of SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta brief history as of 1971 onwards;

1971 - 1984 Years of struggle an pain in search a path leading to a perfect and ideal character.

1984 - 1989 Promoted itself as one of the seeking to comply educational institutes with its own law and orders declared unlawful all formrs of delinquency among student and fight with other students from other schools, and established itself as one of the centers of study.

1989 - 1994 Created harmonious collaboration among all residents of the school in order to pursue both academic and non academic achievement.

1994 - 1996 SMA Negeri 8 Jakarta was appointed by Kanwil Depdiknas DKI Jakarta (A division of Department of Culture and Education) as aone of the leading Senior High School throughout Indonesia’s Provinces.

1994 - 2000 Won top position in terms of the most students who passed EBTANAS (National Baccalaureate) and the most students who passed entrance test to Government leading universities throught the provinces of Indonesiai, as well as extended its service to include acceralerated classes (a class with two years of study which is cut down from its normal three years).

2002 - 2003 Was initiated a pilot curriculum of 2004

2004 The opening of international classes, and was made as the center of astronomy study.

2005 - 2006 Won top position as one of the school throughout Jakarta in terms of the most students who passed UAN (National Baccalaureate).

2007 Officially appointed as one of the center for international class program and started to implement KTSP (curriculum based on levels of education units)

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